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DigiFest 2021

Přijďte na přehlídku DigiFest 2021 – nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších filmů pro digitální planetária, které byly natočeny v posledních dvou letech. Uskuteční se v sobotu 31. července a v neděli 1. srpna 2021. Všechny filmy budou promítnuty v původním znění v angličtině.

Jak se taková přehlídka chystá?  V první fázi organizátoři z Hvězdárny a planetária Brno posbírají dokumentární a vzdělávací snímky vytvořené producentskými týmy světových planetárií v posledních dvou letech. V tomto případě se jedná o 50 fulldome filmů pocházejích z 19 zemí světa (s výjimkou Antarktidy ze všech kontinentů), které promítnout za sebou by zabralo neuvěřitelných 23 hodin.  Z nich pak s předstihem vyberou své favority, které může veřejnost poprvé (a naposledy) zhlédnout o víkendu 31. července a 1. srpna 2021 na DigiFestu 2021.

Garantují tak, že diváci uvidí sérii audiovizuálních show té nejlepší kvality. Současní špičkoví tvůrci filmů do digitálních planetárií si totiž v ničem nezadají se stávající filmařskou elitou a v mnoha směrech se obě komunity prolínají. Přesto je zde velký rozdíl – tyto filmy jsou připraveny pro formát „fulldome“, neboli pro projekce na polokulovité plochy, které obklopují diváky. Čeká vás tedy přehlídka, jaká se odehrává – a nejen v Brně – pouze jednou za rok.

Na programu bude například Asteroid 3D – Mission Extreme o malých tělesech Sluneční soustavy, která mohou ohrozit pozemský život, Satelix – o kosmických technologiích v našich každodenních životech, Signs of Life – o vzniku života na planetě Zemi i jiných vesmírných tělesech.

Program DigiFestu 2021 je následující:

Sobota 31. července 2021

14:00 Making Magic 3D
15:00 GranPa & Zoe
16:00 Kitz the Cat
17:00 Signs of Life
18:00 vítězové přehlídky – Jury Award 3D, Jury Award 2D

Neděle 1. srpna 2021
14:00 Asteroid 3D
15:00 Satelix
16:00 Worlds Beyond Earth
17:00 Life’s Question
18:00 vítězové přehlídky – Jury Award 3D, Jury Award 2D

Vstupenky za symbolické vstupné získáte na  Připomínáme, že jednotlivé filmy uvádíme v původním znění v angličtině.

O čem jsou jednotlivé pořady?

Making Magic – A Visual Effects Story

In the magical world of visual effects, anything can happen. Making Magic is the story of how visual effects are created for film and computer games – and how they are affected by the laws of nature that govern the real world. Join Peter Stormare on a breathtaking journey and discover how effects are created – from equations to explosions. Making Magic is an 8K full dome show in 3D based on the research behind digital visual effects. Produced within the WISDOME project by Norrköping’s Visualization Center C. With support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

GrandPa & Zoe – Mission: Light

GranPa and his young accomplice Zoe lead a peaceful life in their ranch, up until the day when their tranquil existence is disturbed by a strange event: the light of the Sun grows dimmer, as if it is disappearing. No time to waste, our two heroes rush off on a race against time to save the sunlight. Light, action! Light is a really surprising subject for the person who discovers it, especially since it encompasses so many different fields and lies at the intersection of very different concepts. Heat, waves, color, and speed: they are all connected. These are the observations we wish to share with the audience; we want them to leave having learned a few elementary notions. The film shows various simple and verifiable considerations every minute: light is an energy which warms us and allows us to see, it is blocked by opaque objects; nonetheless we can’t stop it. Of course, in order to get audiences really involved with science, you invite them to take part in an adventure. This is why every scientific interlude in the film becomes part of a quest. Every time a scientific principle is mentioned, it is incorporated into the story. Light is both the object of the characters‘ quest, since they are trying to save it, and also the means to success, since they have to understand it in order to advance.

Kitz the Cat’s Supermoon adventure

The Earth in the far future, where humanity no longer exists. Cats that survived in the debris left behind by humanity have evolved into intelligent beings. The three cats, Kitz, Tutti, and Pepe, are working as cleaners at NYASA. Today’s mission is cleaning up space junk. But these unpredictable street cats skip their work and fly to the moon! The great adventure of the three cats crisscrossing space on Galaxy Sweeper, the space junk cleaning shuttle!

Signs of Life

Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered if there is life out there in space? Los Angeles’s world-renowned Griffith Observatory presents an astronomical detective story investigating what it takes to put life in the universe. In it, Earth is the launching pad to Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and planets beyond our Milky Way Galaxy to search for answers to these mysteries that consistently captivate human imaginations. Signs of Life is a story not only about life on Earth but also about how life is a natural, ongoing, inevitable consequence of the universal laws of physics and chemistry, and of time. These circumstances prevail throughout the cosmos. Life happens. It is a normal, yet extraordinary, consequence of cosmic evolution. That is the real marvel of the universe and why we keep looking for life elsewhere. Life on Earth wants to know what the rest of the universe might be up to.

Asteroid 3D – Mission Extreme

National Geographic and Lockheed Martin present a Sky-Skan production Asteroid: Mission Extreme takes audiences on an epic journey to discover how asteroids are both a danger and an opportunity. The danger lies in the possibility of a cataclysmic collision with Earth; the opportunity is the fascinating idea that asteroids could be stepping stones to other worlds – veritable way stations in space – enabling us to cross the Solar System. The challenges are enormous, but a mission so extreme could ultimately lead us to protect our planet and inhabit others. Explore what it would take for astronauts to reach an asteroid and how such an adventure could benefit humankind.


They are with us all day. When we wake up, go to school, to work or for a trip, and when we spend time with our families in the evening, too. And at night? In the darkness of the night, they guard us while we sleep. Without them, we would not have navigation in our cars or mobile phones, accurate weather forecasts, and in fact many everyday items, either. Do you ask who they are? None other than artificial satellites! We used to wander around the continents and the oceans to expand to every corner of our planet. Not long ago, like heavenly riders, we conquered Earth’s atmosphere. And now… now we are becoming wanderers in a new vast world called the universe. Satellite technologies help us every day. They are the symbol of international cooperation across the continents. And they might enable us to live on this planet for another millennium. You don’t believe it? The show Satelix is a joint project of six European planetariums: Brno Observatory and Planetarium (Czech Republic), Planetarium Hamburg (Germany), Slovak Central Observatory (Slovakia), Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társulat (Hungary), Muzeul de Stiinte Astronomice Baia Mare (Romania) and Zielonogorski Osrodek Kultury (Poland). The show is available free of charge in seven languages.

Worlds Beyond Earth

Narrated by Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong’o, Worlds Beyond Earth tells the story of the surprisingly dynamic worlds that orbit our Sun. Immersive visualizations based on authentic scientific data showcase our solar system with unprecedented accuracy, from the swirling rings of Saturn to distant worlds of active volcanoes and buried oceans. Worlds Beyond Earth is a dazzling celebration of the Age of Exploration and the unique conditions that make life on Earth possible. Worlds Beyond Earth was developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (

Life’s Question

Have you ever wondered about life? Life’s Question is a quest for new mysteries in the Universe, from colonies of beings inside your gut, moons with oceans around giant planets, and a bunch de essential ingredients of life everywhere will be the stops on this trip through the questions around the life phenomenon, one of the most complex in the Universe and our real essential nature: Matter alive.